Wednesday 6 April 2011


because planning ahead is for teenage girls.

ninetyeight days until i'm eighteen.
ninetyfour days until my eighteenth.

i miss having dark hair. 

gilmore girls. watching julian smith on youtube. my mummy. getting mail. watching hilarious sit coms . cute boys. cute boys not on tv. Jesus. ben and jerrys ice cream. elsie aly because she makes me laugh a whole flippin heap. sammanda davis for pushing me to be better always. pianos for being fun. my sisters bed room. 

i feel like i keep repeating myself but i'm really excited about next year.
more and more it excites me. there is one negative point. i don't know
how the flip to survive without Elsie the thing is, is that she has sort of 
been this rock for me... she knows me pretty well and so i'm not 100% sure
how i'm gonna live next year without getting frozen yoghurt with her every
other week. but i am really excited about next year. i'm excited about sharing
a room with someone. i'm excited about living in community. i'm excited to 
learn new stuff. i'm excited to make new friends and form new relationships.
i'm excited about the idea of hanging with my mate spam if she goes too.

so i seem to love it in tv shows there is that bad boy who falls
for the gooder girl and then it's all beautiful and he tries to be
nicer and even though he's still badass (which is sort of hot)
he tries to be good for her :) i clearly watch too much tv.

pretty pretty pretty pretty. being a girl is fun.

 so the beautiful thing about being
a girl and also being apart of a wedding
is that i can look at wedding pictures and 
not feel totally lame. something i came 
across was hot as grooms men pictures.
i apparently have a type. coool.

so. 98 days. 18.
94 days. party.
next year. sydney.
three years. in love.
ten years. have a puppy.
all my years? love God.

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