Thursday 7 April 2011


Miiranda Jade Hocking-Smith 
so in 2009 life was pretty crap. there were situations in which people hurt me and situations in which i hurt people. and it wasn't good. i was close to moving schools, i looked at other schools. had a few interviews. went on heaps of tours. and was ready to run. then this emo looking chick rocked up to my school. she was 'quiet' to everyone and had a heap of make up on. she was paaaaaaale. me and this kidd started talking in lit when we did a miniature assignment together. cup of flower. pretty unique. she became really important to me really quick. we could act like insane people or be totally serious. whatever. we would draw pictures of us hanging out. we'd write hilarious stories, one line each. like i said, she became very important to me. over the last two years we went through ups and downs and they were all really similar. out of everyone in the world she was the one person i could tell everything to and she understood and we got each other and what was going on. i'm so blessed by her and so glad that God blessed my life by putting her in it. love her heaps.

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