Wednesday 20 April 2011

the best of times.

who are you?

he plays piano.

i love lazy days. today i've cleaned my room at dads, cooked some breakfast/lunch, cleaned a bit more, brushed my teeth for 20 minutes, watched some girly movie. ahhhhh.

sometimes true love is right under your nose.

24 hours of trying to write this blog today and i have nothing.
my mind is so scrambled right now.

there are things.

i'm pretty excited to hang with currie on friday night.
it's gonna be a good friday night.
- pop tarts
- hash browns
- ben and jerrys
- much more.

the theme of the GOOD FRIDAY NIGHT. other than the death of JesusChrist.

pretty scrambled.
my brain.
my heart.
i'll be right.

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