Tuesday 10 May 2011

so far.

i've sit around since easter thinking, i should write another post, it's been a while. i guess i'm doing it now.

God loves to look at us and loves it when we look back at him. even when we try to run away from our troubles God will find us, bless us, even when we feel most alone, unsure, God will find a way to let us know that He is with us in that place wherever we are.

i'm a green light.

I am resurrected with Christ I am rescued by Christ
Sydney has giant Lego, every little boys dream
We need to have no idols, we must leave everything for God
Salvation is impossible through a person, only God delivers us from evil and eternal hell
Elsie is so lame!



ohaii cute boys.

Auburn Salvation Army is pretty cool.

one kind word can warm three winter months.

Samantha Davis is a nutter. She is so much fun.

i got chills. they're multiplying and i'm loosing control.

we are all chosen, commissioned by God
as apart of the priesthood of all believers
to serve and honour him.

he is jealous for me. his love rushes around me and knows me to my knees
crushed by his mercy. when you encounter the love of God you are changed.
God wants to have an encounter with us. we are never the same after we
encounter the love of God. if you've experienced the Love of God you'd know
because you will have been changed.

i'm more concerned about who i am going to become than what i will do.

i think the thing that i am fearful of next year is being somewhere where i don't know people. where it's me without a million people around me who i can hang out with and talk to. making new friends? that's a pretty scary thought when i've not really had to be in the position of needing new friends for quite a few years.

elsie is gay.

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