Friday, 20 May 2011

peter returns.

last night i had a dream.
okay, so a while ago i wrote a blog describing a dream i had where this guy and me bought ice cream and pop tarts and went to church, no biggy right? well! knight in shining armour who i named peter.
This is what went down:

I was in the car with two girls, one of them i think was a close friend and the other was a bit of a cow... all of a sudden Peter was in the car sitting next to me. He'd been drinking a bit, he smelt like a brewery. I asked him how tonight went, he was meant to be preaching. He kept dodging the question and was acting like a gone drunk boy. Eventually he said he didn't preach, so i asked why not? He hmm'd and huh'd for a while and eventually said he couldn't because his mum was there and he couldn't preach in front of his mum. Our faces were like... 3cm away from each other and he didn't smell like beer anymore, which is brilliant. He kept whining saying he couldn't talk in front of her, bla bla bla and that annoyed me. So i said, what if what God had put in your heart to say was for her. What if those words were meant for her. What if that's exactly what she needed. Just being my nagging usual self :)
So these other two girls in the car, one was driving and the other kept whispering into the driving girls ear. The girl driving was the one who i was close with but the other girl kept saying stuff to her. "Look, Shez is just trying to get his attention away from you" "You're the one he would be interested in not her, she's just making him not think of you" "She's being selfish and ruining your chances". See? A cow! Because the girl driving wasn't even into him! But this other girl sitting there was winding her up and planting these crap as thoughts in her mind.
We all got out of the car and the two girls went somewhere, i think into his church, i think... But me and Peter were standing around talking, he'd sobered up. Once again, the dream wasn't anything overly exciting but it encouraged me to be a woman that honours her husband, her boyfriend, her whatever. Which is what the bible says to do! So that's pretty awesome when you wake up from a dream feeling like God has revealed something to you, or reaffirmed something in you.

so that was my dream. 

let's see where He leads me.

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