Wednesday, 25 May 2011


i'm going to show you some of the raddest people i know.

elsie ally. my mate. she's pretty rad. because she likes the right tunes. watches the right shows. elsie ally. very, very rad.

anna kent. she's flipping hilarious. i don't really understand her humour. but i know it's there. she's made me feel so mega welcome at WCC for VET and yep. she's pretty flipping rad.

alex hutchison. the good kind of hutchison. anna will mock my life forever for putting him in here. but have you ever heard of 'mighty men' for God? alex is one of the mightiest men for God ever. and just plain mighty. i broke my hand punching his... bicep. (he taught me what all the muscles were called.)

amie beth. who is now eighteen. she's been my friend since year seven coz my sister paid her. she's pretty flippin rad. hence being mentioned. happy birthday ab.

okay. so that's just a few people who are pretty rad in my life. but whatever.

um. so i've been thinking about LOVE and how splendid that must be.
that special person who says 'i choose you' 'i love you' 'yes that does make you look fat' 'you're beautiful' 'go make me a vegemite sandwich'
yep. love is pretty great. there are pretty cool things in the bible about love.

one. there was this guy named Jacob and he saw a girl called Rachel, (i think her name was rachel) and then he saw her and thought she was so stunning and he walked over to her and kissed her. teared up a little bit and then asked her father if he could marry her. then his father said, work for me for seven years and you can marry her. he worked for seven years and then Rachels father tricked him and he married Rachels sister. but he loved rachel. so he worked for another seven years and then married Rachel.

two. moses, he was a bit of a loser, ran away from his home becauase he murdered someone, he had a bit of a speech impediment and notthing was going so great for good ol' moe. once he ran away he fell in love with the high priests daughter and they got married and went and served God together.

three. joseph and mary, well mary got pregnant and joseph was like... eh yeah sorry babe gotta bail coz he ain't my son. but joseph stayed and raised the boy as his son and loved him like a son. he stuck by mary.

four. there was a chick called hannah and she couldn't have children. this broke her heart as her husbands other wife had a bunch of sons. hannah was so broken hearted but then her husband said to her, 'don't i mean more to you than ten sons?' a son was like a prize and the best thing ever, and he wanted to mean more to her than what it meant to have a son.

well ain't those things so lovely?

my birthday is in 20 days.

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