Sunday, 22 May 2011


today i woke up to my sister calling me. before 8 a.m. some people would love to wake up to their loving siblings. i simply groan, press reject and go back to sleep. so then she called mum. rad as move there rebecca louise. from then i got ready for church and headed off.

deliverer come set me free
break every chain holding me
deliver come have your way
i surrender to your rule and reign.

so, i'm praying right now that God gives me patience. patience when it comes to other people, when it comes to not knowing all of the answers, when it comes to teachers taking forever to mark my assessments. i need some patience in my life. not patients though. that would suck.

where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom
where the spirit of the Lord is there is healing

i've been filling out my application form for the school for youth leadership. it's actually sort of eye opening because some of the questions it asks me aren't just the surface questions that are easy to answer without any thought. what is my relationship with my family? messssed up. where will you be the year after you finish the school? um, yeah no idea. God? wanna answer that one? oh yeah. patience.

your blood is enough to break every chain
your blood is enough to break every chain
your blood is enough to break every chain

these fancy lights that you see in this building we call church? they do not serve a purpose. they may heighten your experience, they may make the experience more fun, more 'gen y'. but the lights are not there to worship. they are lights. when we have the lights and the fancy tech stuff, people are attracted to church, attracted to God? what brings people to church should be love. should be the Holy Spirit. not fancy lights, amazing tunes and hot preachers. they didn't have those things back in the bible when 2,000 people would get saved at a time. good yeah? yeah. i know.

1 comment:

  1. doesn't it suck when people wake you up through your phone... yeah
