Monday, 30 May 2011


i turn 18 in 14 days.
my party is in 11 days.

so, there are two kingdoms. and here's how they work:
Kingdom of DARKNESS
logical, 2+2= 4

Kingdom of LIGHT
illogical, 2+2= 500

the kingdom of darkness is a reality and it is life without Jesus, Jesus is who brings us from darkness into light. who takes logic and turns it into things that don't make sense. it doesn't really make sense for someone to die for someone who doesn't even love them. but that's what Jesus did. he died so that we could walk out of the darkness and into the light. on earth, when people are living in the kingdom of darkness there is sickness, there is pain, but when you accept that Jesus died for you it opens a door into the kingdom of light. 
in the bible when people are telling others about Jesus and the kingdom they say repent and believe. believing is having faith, we cannot physically see Jesus, or what he has done, but by faith we believe that his grace overwhelms all the brokenness that we as humans carry. we can let go of the brokenness and instead of carrying that in our bodies we can carry the death and resurrection of Jesus. because when he died, he defeated death and sin, all the stuff that separates us from God, and came back to life. so there is the believing part.
repenting can be a little bit harder, repent isn't just saying sorry, the meaning of repent is to do a complete 180 spin away from the things you have done that separated you from Jesus and living a different life. a better life. a life that has values that are equal to the Kingdom of LIGHT. 
one of my favourite examples of the kingdom of light is the example
of the apostle paul. he wrote a whole big chunk of the bible. his books
are worth giving a read. full of some good stuff. anyway, paul. well 
actually at the beginning of his story his name was saul and he was 
going around killing Christians. not just paying out on them, he was
going around murdering people because they would openly say that
Jesus was God. Big no no in the day. one time Saul was going on the
road to a place called Damascus, just on his usual trip to kill some 
Christians. and then he saw a blinding light in the middle of the road.
litterally, the light turned him blind. the light was Jesus, he was like, 
Saul... come on dude, stop murdering my people, I'm Jesus and that
means I'm God. Comprende Amigo?! a guy named Annanais who was
tight with God then went and cared for Saul, who was no blind. and 
gave him some info about Jesus. after a few days, Sauls sight was
restored and he had a new name. PAUL. paul then went and started
to tell everyone that Jesus is God and Jesus died for everyone so that
they could enter the Kingdom of light. pretty rad guy, he repented, so
turned his life completely around into the Kingdom of light and he
believed, 100% that Jesus died for him. awesome example i say.
one another story i know of a great example of repenting and
believing and entering into the Kingdom of light. there was a 
woman called jane and she had turned away from God, she
had changed her attitudes and walked away from the kingdom 
of light. she wasn't doing so great, infact she was going through
some pretty tough things in her life. abusive relationship, not
connected to her family, stuff was pretty messed up. when things
got too hard living  in darkness she realised that how she was 
living wasn't pleasing to God. she declared again that she believed
in God and what he did for her and she repented. turned her life
180degrees around so that she was living a  Kingdom of Light life.
there aren't miracles in the kingdom of darkness, people aren't healed of cancer in the kingdom of darkness, but when your life is within the kingdom of light it overflows. where there is light there cannot be darkness because the light over comes darkness. the light overflows out of you and into others. it's contagious. 

where are you living? light? or darkness?
coz i know where i want to be.

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