Tuesday, 22 March 2011


so my post today isn't all about how cute a boy is. that would be utterly pathetic. but i think everyone needs to acknowledge and understand that he is really cute. he's rockin the write pants, striped shirt and tie. a hat as well. what a man :)

so i believe with a whole lot of my heart that i will live in Sydney next year. they have double decker trains over there, which is really the only appealing thing about the place of sydney. that and they have some really amazing family members of mine :)

love makes you crazy. so i've heard.
Bands I Love. Good.
Boyce Avenue.


Let's see where He leads me

1 comment:

  1. Sydney would be lucky to have you!

    And you'd be the only person in Sydney who actually likes those trains! hahaha!

    Dina :)
