Tuesday 29 March 2011

keats.the future.

true love.

2011. Age 17/18.
Finish Year 12.
Eat Frozen Yoghurt as much as possible.
Turn 18.
Get a 70+ ATAR score.
Buy a car.
2012. Age 18/19.
School for Youth Leadership.
Hang out with Aaron and Dina more.
Hang with Sandy, Nige and Jordy and Jorja more.
Serve people more.
Read the entire Bible.
2013. Age 19/20.
Go on a Mission Trip over seas
2014. Age 20/21.
Do something really cool.
2015. Age 21/22.
Have a puppy.

so basically i thought that if i wrote them down then i would have ideas of what i'd want to do but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. i just want to do SOMETHING. whether it be in melbourne, sydney, bali, new york, i don't know. all i know is i want to do something awesome, i want to love like crazy and live like it's the last dayy. 

let's see where he leads me.

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